
Hulp nodig bij je installatie of kom je ergens niet uit? Probeer phpBB3! Problemen lossen we samen met je op.
phpBB 3.0 is End of support per 1 januari 2017. Dit forum is hier enkel ter archief. Het wordt aangeraden te upgraden naar phpBB 3.2
phpBB 3.0 is End of support per 1 januari 2017. Dit forum is hier enkel ter archief. Het wordt aangeraden te upgraden naar phpBB 3.2
Berichten: 49
Lid geworden op: 10 dec 2007, 20:34


Bericht door pagi » 28 apr 2009, 19:44

Ik heb dus dat geupload. Werkt ook maar dit is zijn bericht :
Kenwood is erin geslaagd om witte-oled-lampen te ontwikkelen die behalve licht ook geluid kunnen produceren. Van het stereo-speakerssysteem is momenteel alleen nog een prototype ontwikkeld. Ook andere toepassingen zijn denkbaar.img src=" ... zMpZHY9B9w" height="1" width="1"/

Html pakt hij dus niet goed, maar staat wel aan. Hoe op te lossen?


Berichten: 2315
Lid geworden op: 20 feb 2007, 18:55
Locatie: Nijmegen

Re: Nieuws.

Bericht door Pascal » 28 apr 2009, 20:33

Je wilt een plaatje invoegen?

Je moet dan de img tags gebruiken

je hoeft alleen maar de url in de webbrowser te copy pasten en tussen de img tags zetten :)
Keep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding love
I keep bleeding, I keep, keep bleeding love
Keep bleeding, keep, keep bleeding love
You cut me open

Berichten: 49
Lid geworden op: 10 dec 2007, 20:34

Re: Nieuws.

Bericht door pagi » 28 apr 2009, 21:44

Nee hij haalt al het nieuws van tweakers via rss feeds. En dat komt auto.

Berichten: 1630
Lid geworden op: 19 feb 2007, 10:52
Locatie: R´dam

Re: Nieuws.

Bericht door Lucas » 28 apr 2009, 23:03

Waarom doe je dat in een <img src="" /> en niet in een <a href="">? Oftewel, waarom een plaatje, en geen link? Het is toch geen afbeelding?

Berichten: 49
Lid geworden op: 10 dec 2007, 20:34

Re: Nieuws.

Bericht door pagi » 29 apr 2009, 07:39

Het is een bot en die post dit allemaal auto , hier de code :

Code: Selecteer alles

//Made by Derk Vedelaar
//Version 1.5

$config['GebruikersID']='2';			//The user id of the user which will post the news.
$config['IP_adres']='';		//the ip address of the user whick will post the news (choose anything you like)
$config['ForumID']='15';					//the id of the forum the news will be posted in
$config['IcoonID']='0';					//The id of the icon in front of the topics of the news

$config['Enable_BB']='1';				//check the checkbox 'ebable bb code' in every post? (if you change this the bot won't work correct anymore)
$config['Enable_smileys']='1';			//check the checkbox "enable smileys" in ervery post?
$config['Enable_magicurl']='1';			//Same as above but for magic url
$config['Enable_onderschrift']='1';		//same as above but for signature

$config['RSS_feed']='';					//url to the rss feed of your choice
$config['Start_bericht']='0';			//Where does the bot need to start posting? (0 is standard, choose 1 or 2 if the feed has spam on top of it)
$config['Eind bericht']='39';			//where does the bot need to stop posting from the feed? (9 is standard, choose a lower one if here aren't 10 news items in the feed)
$config['Titel_begin']='0';				//Choose the character where the topic title needs to begin with (0 is standard, choose a higher one if there is spam at the beginning of a topic title)
$config['Onderwerp_grootte']='100';		//Don't change, if you change, the bot won't work correctly anymore (this is the size of the subject field in the database)
$config['HTML_toestaan']='1';			//The html codes which are accepted in the forum and which you accept in the news items
$config['maak_utf8']=0;					//make it 1 if you have problems with óöòê or some of this characters. Don't make it 1 if you don't need to.
$config['maak_ISO-8859-1']=1;			//make it 1 if you have problems with óöòê or some of this characters. Don't make it 1 if you don't need to.
$config['Charset']='ISO-8859-1';		//The character set of the feed. ISO-8859-1 is standard.
$config['Title_nopost']=array('ADV');		//An array with topic titles (or first characters only) which won't be posted (in case the feed has spam on random locations)
$config['Charset_fix']=0;				//Fixes some problems with '". Don't make it 1 if you don't need to.

$config['Beschrijving']='description';	//How is the description field called in the feed?
$config['Titel']='title';				//How is the title field called in the feed?
$config['Link']='link';					//how is the link field called in the feed?


	exit('Kon config bestand niet laden.');
	exit('Kon geen connectie maken met de database server.');
if(!mysql_select_db($dbname ))
	exit('Kon de database niet vinden.');

$gebruikersqry = mysql_query('SELECT user_colour, username FROM '.$table_prefix.'users WHERE user_id=\''.$config['GebruikersID'].'\'') or die(mysql_error());
list($Gebruikerskleur,$Gebruikersnaam) = mysql_fetch_row($gebruikersqry);


$xml_feed = file_get_contents($config['RSS_feed']);

if ($config['maak_ISO-8859-1'])
if ($config['maak_utf8'])

$xml_praser = xml_parser_create($config['Charset']);
xml_parser_set_option($xml_praser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
xml_parser_set_option($xml_praser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);

for ($i=0; $i < count($xml_tags['item']); $i+=2) 
	$eerste = $xml_tags['item'][$i] + 1;
	$tweede = $xml_tags['item'][$i + 1] - $eerste;
	for ($j=0; $j < count($item); $j++) 
		if (!isset($arr[$i/2][$item[$j]['tag']]))
			if ($config['Charset_fix']==1)
			if ($config['Charset_fix']==1)

for ($i = $config['Start_bericht']; $i <= $config['Eind bericht']; $i++)
	foreach($config['Title_nopost'] as $val)
		if ($val==substr($arr[$i][$config['Titel']],0,strlen($val)))

for ($i = $config['Start_bericht']; $i <= $config['Eind bericht']; $i++)
	$titel = substr($arr[$i][$config['Titel']], $config['Titel_begin'], $config['Onderwerp_grootte']);
	if ($titel!='')
		$postsqry = mysql_query('SELECT topic_title FROM '.$table_prefix.'topics WHERE topic_title=\''.$titel.'\' AND forum_id=\''.$config['ForumID'].'\'') or die(mysql_error());
		if (mysql_num_rows($postsqry) == 0)
			$bericht=$bericht.'<br /><br />[url='.$link.':'.$bbcodeuid.']Lees meer[/url:'.$bbcodeuid.']';
			mysql_query('INSERT INTO '.$table_prefix.'topics (forum_id, icon_id, topic_title, topic_poster, topic_time, topic_first_post_id, topic_first_poster_name, topic_first_poster_colour, topic_last_poster_id, topic_last_poster_name, topic_last_poster_colour, topic_last_post_subject, topic_last_post_time, topic_last_view_time,topic_replies,topic_replies_real)VALUES("'.$config['ForumID'].'", "'.$config['IcoonID'].'", "'.$titel.'", "'.$config['GebruikersID'].'", "'.$tijd.'", "'.$config['GebruikersID'].'", "'.$Gebruikersnaam.'", "'.$Gebruikerskleur.'", "'.$config['GebruikersID'].'", "'.$Gebruikersnaam.'", "'.$Gebruikerskleur.'", "'.$titel.'", "'.$tijd.'", "'.$tijd.'", "0", "0")') or die(mysql_error());
			mysql_query('INSERT INTO '.$table_prefix.'posts (topic_id, forum_id, poster_id, icon_id, poster_ip, post_time, enable_bbcode, enable_smilies, enable_magic_url, enable_sig, post_username, post_subject, post_text, post_checksum, bbcode_uid, bbcode_bitfield)VALUES("'.$topic_id.'", "'.$config['ForumID'].'", "'.$config['GebruikersID'].'", "'.$config['IcoonID'].'", "'.$config['IP_adres'].'", "'.$tijd.'", "'.$config['Enable_BB'].'", "'.$config['Enable_smileys'].'", "'.$config['Enable_magicurl'].'", "'.$config['Enable_onderschrift'].'", "'.$Gebruikersnaam.'", "'.$titel.'", "'.$bericht.'", "'.md5($bericht).'", "'.$bbcodeuid.'", "EA==")') or die(mysql_error());
			mysql_query('UPDATE '.$table_prefix.'topics SET topic_first_post_id="'.$post_id.'", topic_last_post_id="'.$post_id.'" WHERE topic_id="'.$post_id.'"') or die(mysql_error()); 
			mysql_query('INSERT INTO '.$table_prefix.'topics_posted (user_id, topic_id, topic_posted)VALUES(\''.$config['GebruikersID'].'\', \''.$topic_id.'\', \'1\')') or die(mysql_error());

if ($posts!=0)
	mysql_query('UPDATE '.$table_prefix.'users SET user_posts=user_posts+'.$posts.', user_lastpost_time="'.$tijd.'", user_lastvisit="'.$tijd.'" WHERE user_id="'.$config['GebruikersID'].'"') or die(mysql_error()); 
	mysql_query('UPDATE '.$table_prefix.'forums SET forum_posts=forum_posts+'.$posts.', forum_topics_real=forum_topics_real+'.$posts.', forum_topics=forum_topics+'.$posts.', forum_last_post_id="'.$post_id.'", forum_last_poster_id="'.$config['GebruikersID'].'", forum_last_post_subject="'.$titel.'", forum_last_post_time="'.$tijd.'", forum_last_poster_name="'.$Gebruikersnaam.'", forum_last_poster_colour="'.$Gebruikerskleur.'" WHERE forum_id="'.$config['ForumID'].'"') or die(mysql_error()); 
	mysql_query('UPDATE '.$table_prefix.'config SET config_value=config_value+'.$posts.' WHERE config_name="num_posts"') or die(mysql_error());
	mysql_query('UPDATE '.$table_prefix.'config SET config_value=config_value+'.$posts.' WHERE config_name="num_topics"') or die(mysql_error());

Berichten: 3900
Lid geworden op: 21 feb 2007, 14:53
Locatie: Groningen

Re: Nieuws.

Bericht door Jim » 29 apr 2009, 08:10

En aangezien de auteur van die MOD al netjes antwoord heeft gegeven, gaat deze op slot.
Jim Mossing Holsteyn - Beheerder
Documentatie | Algemene voorwaarden | Wiki

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